Tuesday, October 2, 2012
how dangerous are drugs?
In addition to the direct effect of the chemicals themselves, many drugs are administered by unsterilized hypodermic needles, adding the dangers of tetanus, phlebitis, hepatitis and inflammation of the lining of the heart and its valves. Sooner or later, too, if a person becomes addicted or dependent, he will find himself in the company of criminal elements and in dangerous neighborhoods as he seeks out sources of his drugs. All of these pose a threat to health and life.
What are your chances of survival on the highways these days with so many under the adverse influences of drugs? Would you be at ease if you knew that coming at you at night from the opposite direction on a highway was a young girl who, due to recurrent effects of a drug she once took, now sees 1,000 pairs of headlights ahead of her, resulting in her not knowing for sure which are your real ones and which are the illusions? In her case, the headlights trigger the recurrence of the drug effect.
And are you at ease on the highway knowing that one of the effects of marijuana is the impairment of the ability to judge distance and time? that coordination is slowed down and that ability to make decisions is affected? What would that mean to you and your family when you are on a busy highway with many cars passing one another? Dangerous? No doubt about it!
Imagine, too, on a job, the danger to persons other than the drug takers. Think of the threat to life from having people afflicted by dizziness, loss of control, blurred vision and hallucinations working on fast-moving machinery and equipment, operating cranes lifting heavy objects overhead, or handling dangerous liquids and explosives. They truly constitute a threat to their own lives and to those of fellow workers. Do people have a right thus to endanger the lives of others? This relatively new safety problem is of serious concern to employers and medical officers at large plants. No wonder some job applications inquire as to the applicant's previous use of drugs, if any!
There are those who would argue that they are doing better work now that they have used drugs to sharpen their awareness and creativity. But the facts argue otherwise. Take the case of a man who had been a successful international lawyer. For months after his experience with LSD he simply wandered about in the desert pondering his "experience" and its meaning.
A doctor's report to executives on problems due to the increase of marijuana smoking pointed out that its use has "an adverse effect on performance of high-level jobs. The user is frequently lethargic, lacks motivation, is prone to error, has trouble remembering important details, and cannot think practically about the future." How can a person's brain be really aided by something that interferes with perception?
In another case a doctor tells of a transformation in a formerly bright student, studying for his law degree and his Ph.D. The changes came with marijuana use.
In time, thinking became unclear, concentration on schoolwork became more and more difficult and there were problems in his ability to finish work. Later, hostile reactions showed up and there was suspicion of others. The student and two companions were killed a short time later when the small plane he was piloting crashed.
nama terunik di dunia
10 Orang Bernama Tergokil di Dunia
*1. Jesus Condom*
No comment ah, takut sara...* **2. @*
suami istri dari china menamai anaknya demikian, katanya supaya berasa modern n familiar
*3. Dick Assman** **4. Batman bin Suparman*
Tahun 1995, ditemukan seorang remaja berkebangsaan singapura yang mempunyai nama unik. ya, menyandang 2 nama superhero besar, merupakan keberuntungan tersediri baginya.
sayangnya, pemuda tersebut tidak dapat ditemukan jejaknya guna dimintai keterangna lebih lanjut berkaitan dengan nama yang disandangnya.
*5. Mister Love*
liat aja beritanya... namanya Mister Love tapi kelakuannya... didakwa tindak pidana pelecehan seksual..
keknya namanya perlu ganti aja jadi Making Love
*6. Oliver Looser*
Wedew... Looser... Keknya dah jelas siapa pemenangnya...
*7. Judy Graham SWALLOWS*
kok bisa terpilih ya? (Swallow dalam bahasa inggris berkonotasi juga dengan "korup" - you know what i mean)
*8. Natalia Vagina*
Natalia Vagina adalah seorang PRIA!!!
*9. Gaye Males*
*10. Mike Litoris*
sepatu termahal di dunia
Jika dipikir lagi rasanya sayang menggunakan sepatu ini.
Ya, sepatu-sepatu olahraga di bawah ini, memiliki harga yang fantastis. Si pemilik pastinya berduit dengan pendapatan wah!
Mari lihat jajaran sepatunya di bawah ini seperti yang diberitakan bornrich.com.
*1. Diamond Studded Nike Boots (US$ 218.000 / Rp 1,962 miliar)*
Sepatu olahraga asal pabirkan Nike ini diyakini masih yang termahal hingga kini. Sepatu ini dipakai oleh pesepakbola Inggris John Terry, Wayne Rooney dan Rio Ferdinand.
Mereka mendapatkannya dari acara lelang untuk amal bagi yayasan Rio Ferdinand, "Dream Foundation".
Sepatu dihiasi dengan 7,444 batu berharga dan berlian. Didesain oleh desainer terkenal Luisa Di Marco yang memberikan sentuhan khusus dengan berlian hitam, emas putih bersama dengan batu sapphire.
Secara keseluruhan total tiga pasang sepatu tersebut adalah 623 ribu dolar US. Tapi yang paling mahal yakni milik John Terry, seharga 218 ribu dolar US.
*2. Air Jordan Silver Shoe (US$ 60.000 / Rp 540 juta)*Air Jordan Silver Shoe
bigSepatu bertanda tangan Michael Jordan ini muncul dalam lelang eBay. Penjualnya mengatakan bahwa sepatu tersebut merupakan hadiah ulang tahun untuknya beberapa tahun silam. Sepatu tersebut laku oleh seorang penggemar MJ senilai 60 ribu dolar.
*3. Diamond Studded sneakers (US$ 50.000 / Rp 450 juta)*Nike Air Zoom Kobe 1
bigDibuat oleh Nike dengan nama "Air Force 1." Sepatu ini bertatahkan berlian 11 karat yang menghiasi sekitar logo Nike dan dicor dengan logam emas. Untuk menjadi sneaker yang paling mewah.
*4. Nike Air Zoom Kobe 1 (US$ 29.999,99 / Rp 270 juta)*
bigEdisi terbatas sepatu ini dibuat oleh Nike dengan empat desain. Pembedanya hanya gambar kota di atas sepatu. Kota-kotanya adalah, Los Angeles, Chicago, Texas dan New York. Anda akan menerimanya dalam bungkus kayu yang terdapat pahatan peta dari salah satu keempat kota tersebut.
Hanya dijual sebanyak 25 pasang dan 10 persennya akan diberikan kepada badan amal.
*5. Gold Running Shoes (US$ 24.000 / Rp 216 juta )*Gold Running Shoes
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