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Thursday, October 4, 2012

David Guetta Featuring Sia - titanium lyrics

You shout it out,
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud not saying much
I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium

Cut me down
But it's you who have further to fall
Ghost town and haunted love
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
I am titanium
I am titanium

Stone-hard, machine gun
Firing at the ones who run
Stone-hard as bulletproof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
I am titanium

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the wanted - glad you came lyrics

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me

Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away,
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make,
Make you glad you came

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me

Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away,
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make,
Make you glad you came

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

I'm glad you came
So glad you came
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

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fun. Featuring Janelle Monae - we are young lyrics

Give me a second
I, I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom
Getting higher than the Empire State
My lover she's waiting for me
Just across the bar
My seats been taken by some sunglasses
Asking 'bout a scar
And I know I gave it to you months ago
I know you're trying to forget
But between the drinks and subtle things
The holes in my apologies
You know I'm trying hard to take it back
So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun

Now I know that I'm not
All that you got
I guess that I
I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
But our friends are back
So let's raise a cup
Cause I found someone to carry me home

We are young
So let's the set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun

Carry me home tonight
Just carry me home tonight
Carry me home tonight
Just carry me home tonight

The world is on my side
I have no reason to run
So will someone come and carry me home tonight
The angels never arrived
But I can hear the choir
So will someone come and carry me home

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun

So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home tonight

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Nicki Minaj - starships lyrics

Let's go to the beach, each
Let's go get away
They say, what they gonna say?
Have a drink, clink, found the bud light
Bad bitches like me, is hard to come by
The patron own, let's go get it on
The zone own, yes, I'm in the zone
Is it two, three? Leave a good tip
I'ma blow off my money and don't give two shits

I'm on the floor, floor
I love to dance
So give me more, more, 'till I can't stand
Get on the floor, floor
Like it's your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Can't stop, 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Hands up...

(We're higher than a motherfucker) (x3)

Jump in my hoopty hoopty hoop, I own that
And I ain't paying my rent this month, I owe that
But fuck who you want, and fuck who you like
Dance our life, there's no end in sight
Twinkle, twinkle little star...

Now everybody let me hear you say ray-ray-ray
Now spend all your money 'cause they pay-pay-pay
And if you're a G, you a G-G-G
My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki

Get on the floor, floor
Like it's your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Can't stop, 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Can't stop...

(We're higher than a motherfucker) (x3)

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Can't stop, 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Can't stop...

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hindari minuman ini ketika sedang minum obat

Minum obat saat sakit punya ketentuan agar cepat sembuh. Selain mengikuti dosis yang dianjurkan, jangan lupa perhatikan dengan apa kita meminumnya. Yang tepat  tentunya air mineral, dan yang harus dihindari adalah seperti disebut di bawah ini:

* **1. Minuman isotonik*

Hindari minum obat untuk gagal jantung dan obat-obatan hipertensi dengan minuman isotonik karena minuman ini mengandung kalium. Selain itu, kalium yang tinggi juga terdapat pada buah pisang. Kalium berguna bagi penderita hipertensi, tetapi apabila asupan kalium  berlebihan malah membahayakan si penderita.

*2. Minuman berkafein*

Kafein dapat menimbulkan ancaman kesehatan yang serius jika diminum dengan stimulan. Hindari meminum secangkir kopi saat sedang mengonsumsi efedrin (penekan nafsu makan), obat asma dan amfetamin. Beri jarak 2-3 jam setelah minum obat, baru minum kopi atau teh. 

Kafein juga ada dalam beberapa produk minuman energi, jadi hindari juga jenis minuman tersebut saat mengonsumsi obat. Interaksi obat dengan makanan tertentu yang Anda makan dapat mempengaruhi fungsi obat yang Anda minum sehingga obat tidak bekerja sebagaimana mestinya. Interaksi ini dapat menyebabkan efek yang berbeda-beda, dari mulai peningkatan atau penurunan efektivitas obat sampai efek samping.

* **3. Susu*

Beberapa obat seperti keluarga antibiotik yang mengandung tetrasiklik akan bereaksi dengan susu. Kalsium yang terdapat dalam susu akan mengikat obat atau antibiotik sehingga mencegah penyerapan obat tersebut di dalam tubuh.

*4. Jus buah*

Menurut penelitian Prof. David Bailey dari  Universitas Western Ontario, jus dapat mengganggu ketahanan tubuh dalam menyerap sari obat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada sejumlah orang yang diminta meminum obat dengan air putih dan jus buah.

 Setelah diteliti, ternyata orang yang meminum obat dengan air putih mampu menyerap kandungan obat dengan penuh. Kemudian, orang yang meminum obat dengan jus hanya mampu menyerap sebagian kandungan obat. Menurutnya, jus buah yang dapat mengurangi serapan obat adalah jus jeruk, jus apel, dan jus anggur. Sedangkan obat yang kurang terserap akibat jus tersebut adalah obat antikanker, darah tinggi, jantung, dan obat-obat antibiotik lainnya. 

Hindari juga mengonsumsi jus pomegranate (delima).  Zat yang terdapat dalam jus tersebut dapat memperlambat kecepatan hati untuk memecah pengencer darah dan menyebabkan berkurangnya efeks obat. Tidak hanya itu, para pakar juga menemukan bahwa enzim di dalam jus delima dapat memecah resep obat.

*5. Minuman beralkohol*

Satu gelas minuman beralkohol semisal Wine yang dikonsumsi bersamaan dengan meminum obat diklaim dapat menyebakan hipertensi, jantung berdetak cepat, sakit kepala hingga serangan stroke. Nah, jika Anda masih sayang dengan nyawa Anda, jangan pernah sekalipun mencampurkan minuman ini dengan obat.

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di temukan spesies awan baru

Kalangan amatir pengamat langit menemukan "spesies" awan baru. Awan itu kali pertama terlihat di Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Amerika Serikat, pada 2006. Selanjutnya, awan juga terlihat di Perancis, Norwegia, dan beberapa wilayah lain.

Organisasi Cloud Appreciation Society (CAS) yang berbasis di Inggris menamai awan tersebut Undulatus asperatus. CAS tengah mengajukan agar awan itu diakui kebaruannya oleh World Meteorological Organisation di Geneva dan dimasukkan dalam International Cloud Atlas.

Dalam upaya untuk mendapatkan pengakuan resmi, CAS telah mengumpulkan banyak gambar awan tersebut serta melakukan penelitian yang kebanyakan dilakukan di Reading University.

Graeme Anderson, meteorolog dari Reading University, mengungkapkan bahwa Undulatus asperatus mirip dengan awan Mammatus. Perbedaannya adalah, Undulatus asperatus lebih bergelombang. 

Gavin Pretor-Pinney, pendiri CAS, mengungkapkan bahwa Undulatus asperatus memang jenis awan baru. Ia menyatakan beberapa hasil penelitiannya di Royal Meteorological Society.

Pretor-Pinney seperti dikutip Daily Mail, mengatakan, "Awan ini lebih hangat, lembab, dan lebih dingin di bagian atas, udara yang lebih kering di bagian bawah dengan batasan yang jelas di antara keduanya."

Saat ini, pendukung CAS tengah berharap-harap cemas, menunggu apakah Undulatus asperatus memang bisa diklasifikasikan sebagai awan baru. Studi pada awan tersebut terus dilakukan.

Jika awan itu dinyatakan sebagai jenis baru, maka CAS membuat prestasi penting. Undulatus asperatus akan menjadi jenis awan baru pertama yang ditemukan sejak Cirrus intortus pada tahun 1951.

"Mengamati awan adalah hal penting untuk mendokumentasikan efek pemanasan global di langit. Awan dapat memberikan jawaban tentang suhu dan perubahan iklim di tahun-tahun mendatang," kata Pretor-Pinney.

Saat ini, semakin banyak orang tertarik mengamati awan. Sebagai gambaran, anggota CAS sudah berjumlah 30.903 orang. 

Tahun depan, CAS akan meluncurkan aplikasi pengamatan awan yang memungkinkan pengguna berbagi potret dan lokasi terjadinya awan. Unggahan pengguna dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan penelitian.

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