Mungkin bagi pemula membuat proyek pemrograman PHP itu susah? kan... memang ya tapi sekarang sudah jauh berbeda karena berkat adanya PHP Expert Editor kini pekerjaannya menjadi ringan.
dulu saya suka membuat proyek php dari notepad saja... setelah saya googling ternyata ada software untuk editor php,alhamdulilah akhirnya ada juga softwarenya.
fitur dari PHP Expert Editor sebagai berikut :
- UTF-8 is supported.
- 100% customizable Code Highlighting.
- Code block collapsing.
- Internal Browser.
- FTP Client with SFTP support.
- The Code Explorer.
- The File Explorer with Favorites.
- The Project Explorer.
- The Library Explorer.
- Customizable shortcuts and editor key mapping.
- Keyboard Macros.
- PHP Macros.
- Autosaving.
- PHP Syntax Check.
- Run the PHP script and preview the result in the internal or external browser.
- PHP Debugger.
- For running and debugging PHP scripts you can use internal or external HTTP-server.
- All Content-Type(s) supported. You can run scripts that generate any content (for example images).
- Fast inserting the PHP functions with parameters hint.
- Quick Navigation in PHP Code by mouse right-click and hot keys.
- Brackets highlighting.
- Customizable Code Templates.
- Source code export to HTML and print with syntax highlighting.
- Bookmarks.
- Classic or XP interface styles.
- PHP Help support with a fast search of keyword.
- Windows/Unix/Mac file formats support.
- Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl support. It is possible to make settings for using some interpreters.
hampir lupa nih link downloadnya bagi yang mau download -> klik disini
ukurannya kecil kok cuma 3.2 mb
mohon maaf blm diterjemain... :D
Semoga bermanfaat!